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April 3, 2011

things to work on: posting more.


i wanted to introduce you to what may very well be the greatest sandwich ever. at least to me. i discovered it last tuesday and ate it for lunch every single day for the rest of the week. that includes yesterday. and today. it delicious, complex, and it keeps me full full full, even in the afternoon at work when boredom likes to wear the hunger mask.

the bread for this one doesn’t really matter. i used a whole wheat bagel thin because a) they are (for some reason) a million times better than sandwich thins and b) they were on sale, so i snatched them up. i like deals. but anyway. it’s what’s on the bread that matters:

egg patty (this one happens to be egg beaters, but i also fried an egg one day and it was deeelish), feta cheese, and…wait for it…jam.

it was seriously great. i’m keeping it in rotation this week. and by rotation, i obviously mean i’ll be having it every day again. who said variety was a good thing?

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